Automated edits/RobHubi

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This page documents large-scale semi-automated edits executed with my [ main account].
These are meant to be never controversial and single-time events of simple search/replace with at least some manual intervention.

No.01 Addresses of charging stations in Austria

Charging stations do not have their own address in Austria. The specified address has the meaning of "at", "in front of", "opposite" or "in". These addresses should be transferred to the object scheme.

Discussion with the community

There was no opposition.


Fetch data with overpass turbo
area[name="Österreich"]; nwr["amenity"="charging_station"]

Select data in JOSM
Search with regex: "^addr:". Purge all others.

Check selected data in JOSM
nodes: 774 ; ways:0 ;relations:0

Replace data in JOSM
"addr:" --> "object:"

Actual changes made

Done on 13 Feb 2024.
CS 147426169

No.02 Names of charging stations in Austria

Charging stations do not have proper names in Austria. These names should be transferred to descriptions.

Discussion with the community

There was no opposition.


Fetch data with overpass turbo
area[name="Österreich"]; nwr["amenity"="charging_station"]

Select data in JOSM
Search substring with regex: "name".

Analyze named data in JOSM
5x alt_name=
1x charging_station:name=
1x contact:name=
5x name:etymology*=
1x name:signed=
1x name:sl=
3x name:start_date=
1765x name=
of these: 356x (name= * AND description= *); 1x (name= * AND *)
2x object:housename=
1x old_name=
1x short_name=

Replace data in JOSM
select(description=* AND name=*), of these replace name --> description_1
select(name=*), of these replace name --> description
select substring("name"), of these check all individually

Actual changes made

Done on 14. Feb 2024.
CS 147467828