State of the Map Ethiopia 2023

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Addis Ababa University

State of The Map Ethiopia 2023 Conference: Empowering Communities through Mapping

Date: 15-16 December 2023

Venue: Ababa University, 5 Kilo Campus

State of The Map Ethiopia conference is a gathering of mapping and FOSS enthusiasts, professionals, and stakeholders from across the country and beyond. This conference is a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices in the field of mapping, and FOSS and aims to promote collaboration, innovation, and social impact.

The conference will feature a range of sessions, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking events, covering various topics related to mapping, such as community mapping, data visualization, disaster response, and sustainable development. The conference will also provide opportunities for showcasing mapping projects, tools, and technologies, and for engaging with fellow mappers and stakeholders.

The "State of The Map Ethiopia 2023" conference is organized by a team of dedicated volunteers, who are working tirelessly to ensure a successful and meaningful event. The meeting will be made possible through the generous support of our sponsors, partners, and donors, who share our vision of advancing mapping for the public good.

The “State of The Map Ethiopia 2023” conference will be a platform for the mapping and FOSS community in Ethiopia and beyond to exchange knowledge, learn new skills, discover the latest trends, showcase innovative projects, and foster meaningful collaborations in the field of mapping and geospatial technologies.

The conference aims to:

  • Empower and engage local communities in mapping and foss initiatives that address social challenges and contribute to sustainable development, promoting inclusive participation and highlighting the importance of community mapping.
  • Discuss the role of mapping in policy development, decision-making, and advocacy, exploring how mapping data can inform evidence-based policies, support sustainable development goals, and address societal challenges while ensuring ethical use and data privacy.
  • Focus on the role of mapping in disaster response, preparedness, and building resilient communities, showcasing case studies and best practices in leveraging mapping technologies for disaster risk reduction, emergency management, and post-disaster recovery efforts.
  • Promote mapping education and engage young people in the mapping community, offering sessions and workshops tailored to students and providing opportunities for mentorship and career guidance in the mapping field.
  • Address the significance of data quality in mapping initiatives and advocate for open data principles, discussing data collection methodologies, data validation techniques, and data sharing practices to ensure high-quality and accessible mapping datasets.
  • Explore the role of mapping in environmental monitoring, conservation efforts, and natural resource management, highlighting applications such as mapping biodiversity, land use, climate change, and ecological systems to support sustainable environmental practices.
  • Encourage collaboration between the mapping community and other sectors, fostering dialogue and partnerships that promote the integration of mapping technologies and geospatial data in various fields and sectors.


  • Community Mapping for Social Change and Sustainable Development: This theme will explore how mapping can be used as a tool for social change, community empowerment, and sustainable development. It will highlight successful community mapping initiatives that have made a positive impact on local communities, addressing issues such as health, education, gender equality, and poverty reduction.
  • Mapping for Policy Development, Decision-Making, and Advocacy: This theme will examine the role of mapping and geospatial data in policy development, decision-making, and advocacy. It will discuss how accurate and up-to-date mapping data can inform evidence-based decision-making processes and support policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. It will also explore how mapping can be used for advocacy purposes, raising awareness, and influencing public opinion on various social and environmental issues.
  • Mapping for Disaster Response, Preparedness, and Resilience: This theme will focus on mapping for disaster response, preparedness, and resilience. It will explore mapping techniques and technologies that aid in disaster risk reduction, emergency management, and post-disaster recovery efforts. It will showcase case studies and best practices in building resilient communities through mapping, highlighting the role of community participation, coordination, and communication.
  • Mapping Education and Youth Engagement: This theme will emphasize the importance of mapping education and youth engagement. It will offer sessions and workshops specifically designed for students and young professionals, providing them with the necessary skills, mentorship, and career guidance in the mapping field. It will also promote geospatial literacy and foster the next generation of mappers who can contribute to the mapping community and society at large.
  • Data Quality and Open Data Governance: This theme will address the significance of data quality, data governance, and open data principles in mapping initiatives. It will discuss techniques for ensuring data accuracy, reliability, interoperability, and usability. It will also explore approaches to open data sharing, licensing, and collaboration, highlighting the benefits and challenges of open data for the mapping community and other stakeholders.
  • Conservation and Environmental Mapping: This theme will explore the intersection of mapping and environmental conservation. It will showcase how mapping technologies and geospatial data can be used for monitoring ecosystems, tracking biodiversity, managing natural resources, and promoting sustainable environmental practices. It will also discuss the challenges and opportunities of environmental mapping in the context of climate change, urbanization, and human-wildlife conflict.

We hope that the conference will be informative, inspiring, and engaging and that it will contribute to your personal and professional growth.